Services we offer are:
- Full eye examination
- OCT scans (additional charge)
- NHS Eye Care Services (available in Coventry
if you have a GP registered in Coventry, Rugby or Nuneaton)
- Visual field screening
- Intraocular pressure measurement
- Contact lens trials and aftercare
We dispense all types of spectacle prescriptions, including:
- Single vision lenses including advice on thinner, lighter lens
materials where appropriate
- Bifocals
- Varifocals
- Myopia Control Lenses
- Sunglasses
- Transitions and photochromic lenses
- Swimming goggles and diving masks
- Children’s spectacles
- Hospital prescriptions
- Skiing goggles
- Sports eyewear
- Safety and occupational spectacles
We have a disabled access ramp and facilities for conducting eye
examinations for less mobile or partially sighted patients.